June 12, 2020 - Governor McMaster Extends State of Emergency, Modifies Orders on Events and Retail Stores, Re-opens Bowling Alleys |

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June 12, 2020 – Governor McMaster Extends State of Emergency, Modifies Orders on Events and Retail Stores, Re-opens Bowling Alleys

The Governor’s new executive order:

  • Extends the State of Emergency by 15 days;
  • Removes a provision from an existing Executive Order (Nos. 2020-10 and 2020-38) which authorized law enforcement to break up events of 50 people or more in a room or area;
  • Any events or public gatherings held during the State of Emergency should be conducted in accordance with any corresponding guidelines regarding the same, and organizers should take steps to comply with sanitation guidelines from CDC and DHEC;
  • Removes 20 percent occupancy limit for retail businesses;
  • Retail stores that elect to open to greater than 20 percent occupancy should follow all CDC and DHEC guidelines;
  • Allows bowling alleys to re-open;
  • Bowling alleys that choose to re-open should consider and incorporate any CDC and DHEC guidelines.

*For additional information on the modifications included in the Executive Order, start at the bottom of page 15.

Read the Executive Order