During these difficult times, this Easter week, we are focusing on the inspiration and encouragement the season brings.
Has your focus on FAMILY changed over the last month? Maybe it’s not just because we are isolated inside our homes together. In stressful or difficult times, we often turn to our FAMILY. They are our sounding boards and support systems. Now we have this time to mend, improve, or strengthen those relationships. We have been given this gift of quality time—a little sunshine behind the cloud. And we have several groups with whom to bond and grow: church FAMILY, work FAMILY, and our FAMILY of friends.
Behind every cloud there may be a silver lining. But the gold is in the FAMILY who helped you see through the cloud.
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Check out these other blog posts:
- Reducing Stress During Stressful Times
- Tips For Working From Home During the Coronavirus Pandemic
- Count Your Blessings – Gratitude
- Dealing with your Children on Extended Break
- Take Advantage of the Family Time